A group of children stand together. In the centre a girl holds up an orange wristband which has the text ‘Theatr Clwyd’ on it.


You could help support the many people involved in our engagement projects by donating towards our bursaries.

In practical terms this means engagement on many different levels, including:

• Crafting bespoke pathways for individuals once they ‘graduate’ from one of our core creative engagement programmes.

• Deepening our engagement with young people from some of the most deprived areas in Wales and helping support them to attend the sessions they value

• Providing hot meals for a full cohort of children and young people attending group sessions.

Bursary support enables us to provide safe, reliable, confidential spaces for young people to meet, not contingent on their presence or performance at school or in other institutional settings, building trust and cohesion, supporting self-esteem, self-awareness, and inspiring new ways of thinking about the world.
