Casting & Programming
We're regularly asked about our casting and programming process - how people can submit themselves or shows to be part of our artistic programme.
Our programming and artistic team has people from multiple disciplines from inside and outside the theatre. Key people includes our Artistic Director, who has overall responsibility for all the work on our stages, and our Producing & Programming Team, who lead on the shows that we make and plays a key role in selecting and co-ordinating visiting shows.

We use a range of casting directors for Theatr Clwyd productions from in Wales and across the UK. Our casting process can change project-by-project depending on whether we're making the show with another venue or producer, and sometimes on the type of show.
We aim to hold regular casting sessions at our home in Mold, but we also sometimes have sessions in Cardiff, London or Manchester, depending on the show.
If you've got a show that you'd like to bring to us we'd love to hear from you - we're always excited to meet producers and tour bookers so that we can bring an exciting, dynamic, diverse mix of shows to audiences in North Wales.
If you want to get in touch about a show, artist or performer you'd love to see at Theatr Clwyd, or even a programme of work or a film then please get in touch.

- Visiting Programming - programme@theatrclwyd.com
- Comedy Booking - comedy@theatrclwyd.com
- All other queries & suggestions - casting@theatrclwyd.com