Nine people piercing through a brown paper background

ShakeItUp: The Improvised Shakespeare Show

Past Production

See dates and times  

5 Stars

West End Best Friend

Dydi Shakespeare ddim wedi ysgrifennu dim byd newydd ers oes, felly rydyn ni wedi rhoi help llaw iddo fo...

Shakespeare newydd gyda cherddoriaeth fyw a digon o chwerthin. Fe fyddai'r Bardd ei hun yn falch*.

*mae'n debyg!


  • 5 Stars

    Quick witted, inexhaustible and absolutely hysterical
    London Theatre Reviews
  • 5 Stars

    Brilliantly bonkers... one of the best improvised shows out there
    West End Best Friend
  • 4 Stars

    Laugh out-loud hilarious... a great night out
    Broadway World