Rydym yn cefnogi cwmnïau Cymraeg, cwmnïau o Gymru a'r DU i ddatblygu sioeau arloesol, deinamig sy'n cael eu harwain gan straeon.
Mae ein preswyliadau'n darparu gofod yn ein hadeilad i archwilio, dysgu a thyfu – boed yn waith ymchwil i ddatblygu cynhyrchiad newydd, defnyddio technegau theatrig newydd, cael syniad ar ei draed neu hyd yn oed perfformio sioe ‘Scratch’ mewn amgylchedd cefnogol.
Yn ogystal, rydym yn rhannu ein hased mwyaf – ein tîm. Mae gan Theatr Clwyd dîm profiadol, gwybodus a chyfeillgar ar draws sawl disgyblaeth – o gyfarwyddo a dramaturgi, i sain, goleuo a marchnata. Mae'r adnodd hwn yn cael ei rannu i helpu i feithrin sgiliau a phrofiad artistiaid sefydledig ac artistiaid sy'n dod i'r amlwg. Mae llawer o'n preswyliadau wedi arwain at gynhyrchu naill ai yn Theatr Clwyd neu gyda/mewn llawer o theatrau eraill ledled y DU.
Nid yw'r rhaglen hon yn agored i gyfranogwyr newydd ar hyn o bryd (ond pan fydd yn digwydd byddwn yn rhoi galwad agored drwy ein sianel cyfryngau cymdeithasol a'r grwpiau theatr ac awduron niferus yng Nghymru a'r DU). Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau cysylltwch gyda ni artists@theatrclwyd.com.
Preswylau Blaenorol
Missmanaged Theatre Company
"In November 2017 Missmanaged Theatre were welcomed into Theatr Clwyd’s studio space to perform two focus groups of The Edinburgh Test, a play that explores the struggles and triumphs of four new mothers. Our audience was made up of Mothers of all ages from the area as well as trauma counsellors and nurses. After performing the play, which seeks to start a conversation on postnatal mental health, our audience were incredibly open in sharing their stories and providing feedback to help us create our final production."
- Rachel Harper, Writer
It was brilliant to be able to have a creative and open space to really focus our energies into writing music and devising for our show; to be able to make as much noise as we needed! Theatr Clwyd were so supportive. We were given loads of advice for our future in terms of marketing, budgeting and how we can enable our show to have a future life after Edinburgh.
-Maimuna Memon, Creative Associate and Resident Composer
Angharad Price-Jones
“We felt a great amount of support from the whole team at Theatr Clwyd. The opportunity to have time and space to explore and share our ideas has been invaluable. We look forward to further developing the work that we have researched in this R&D and are very grateful for the support of Theatr Clwyd and Arts Council Wales to make the first step in this production possible”