Gwersi Cerddoriaeth ac Ensembles


Cysylltwch â’r Tîm Cerddoriaeth drwy anfon e-bost at:

0 Stars

I feel incredibly lucky to have had these opportunities in North East Wales. Everyone deserves world class music, access and opportunity. Performing at the Royal Albert Hall is just as important at Theatr Clwyd. Access to these opportunities should not be just for people who can afford them or live in a city. This is why we need Theatr Clwyd Music.
Rob Guy, Conductor, Concert Presenter, Artistic Director and Teacher

Os hoffech chi gyfrannu i gefnogi Cerddoriaeth Theatr Clwyd, cysylltwch â a bydd yn gallu esbonio’r opsiynau sydd ar gael i chi.

Dilynwch y ddolen hon i ddarllen ein telerau ac amodau: cliciwch yma.