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Nick Payne's multi-award-winning international mega-hit Constellations will be reimagined for a modern Wales by our Associate Director Daniel Lloyd. We sat down with him to find out more about the show:

How would you describe this show to a friend?
A dazzling, romantic drama with two lovable humans whose lives intertwine and shift backwards, forwards and side to side through a multiverse where anything is possible!
What did you think of the play when you read it for the first time?
I was struck by how moving Marianne and Roland’s love story is and how much I wanted to empathise, laugh and be in the company of these characters - which is a challenge in such a high concept and insanely clever play. It’s supersmart but beautiful.
Why is this story important to tell now?
Ultimately it teaches us to cherish the ‘now’ and be grateful for all that we have. In the grand scheme of things, we don’t have long. It boldly urges us to be brave with love and life.
Why is it important to tell the show in both English and Welsh?
Being able to bring a popular title to a Welsh language audience is a privilege and relocating the play to Wales allows us to reimagine it anew and explore layers which are exclusive to us. The play floats the possibility of an infinite number of universes and as a bilingual Welsh human I’ve always felt that I’ve straddled several identities, cultures and worlds. Exploring the play through this lens will be fun at the very least and we’ll find out what makes it tick in Welsh.
Will you approach them differently?
Yes and no. The play in its original form is beautifully constructed. The Welsh language version (skilfully adapted by Gwawr Loader) has an equally gorgeous rhythm and identity of its own. The discoveries we make with both texts will feed into the whole vision for the production and will have richness and depth as a result. Rooting it in Wales will give it a solid basis for us to make our choices about our characters and make it authentic to us and our audiences.
How does the process work when doing a show in both English and Welsh?
We open in English and will therefore focus on that in rehearsal, but I will be regularly bringing the Welsh version into play throughout the process. The choices we make will need to work truthfully and convincingly for both versions but there will be some surprises and anomalies between the two. I want it all in play – intertwined and knitted in. I think of it as one cohesive whole rather than two different versions.
Where do you start when directing a play?
I like to start with the characters. Who they are, what makes them tick, what informs their choices and how they think. Constellations is all about relationships and the choices we make. This is the keystone to exploring the play.
Do you have a favourite moment in the play?
Yes. No spoilers, but the last scene where we revisit the moment that Marianne and Roland are facing a choice to rekindle their love or not… It’s a spine tingler.
What would you like people to take away from the show?
It’s a treat for the senses. I hope our audience is moved by an original, thought-provoking play set within a stunning design. I want to provide an experience of joy, laughter, tears and real heart.
Constellations will be performed at Theatr Mix, Theatr Clwyd from 10 May-25 May, and Cytserau7-8 June. Accessible performances will take place on the following dates: BSL 17 May, audio described and touch tours 22 May and captioned performance 24 May.