Theatr Clwyd thank Lyan Packaging and their staff for vital continued support
See dates and times 25 Oct 2021
News Story

Lyan Packaging are a leading UK supplier of bespoke packaging solutions based in Wrexham and have been Longstanding supporters of the community work at Theatr Clwyd. Theatr Clwyd first worked with Lyan Packaging when they supported Fuse, workshops for young people with additional needs. Their backing enabled funding for additional places to the workshops and in turn increased arts accessibility to the local community. Since then, they have continued supporting Fuse and have also supported work for people living with early onset dementia and memory loss (Arts from the Armchair).
During lockdown and the easing of restrictions their continued support has enabled Theatr Clwyd’s reach to go even further at a time when these vulnerable groups in the community needed it most but were feeling most cautious.
Lyan Packaging’s support has firstly funded guest artists to visit Fuse sessions. This safe environment has allowed members to return once again to a much-loved group, to engage in new creative practices and most importantly, time again with friends for fun and laughter.
The creation of well-being packs delivered directly to those living with Dementia & memory loss has also been possible. The packs created responded to the requests of those in isolation and mainly contained arts and craft activities to complete with their carers at home. Zoom calls meant they continued the social interaction that meeting as group usually offers.
And finally, the financial support will this month enable creative writing cafes for careers and parents/guardians of participants of Arts from The Armchair and Fuse. The sessions have enabled them to have an opportunity for respite, to reduce feelings of isolation, to find mutual support and to share experiences. The Creative Writing workshops have provided a place for them to share their lived experiences and challenges, help each other and be there for each other when they need it.
Lyan Packaging’s support was recognised by Arts & Business Cymru and gained extra support from their CultureStep scheme.
As a charity being able to continue this type of work in the local community is vital, for many it’s a lifeline and continued support from business and organisations allows this to happen. Gwennan Mair Director of Creative Engagement at Theatr Clwyd said “working with our community was one of the only things we managed to keep doing in the last 18 months and to have the support, kindness and trust from Lyan Packaging for our work with vulnerable people from our community was invaluable.”
Lyan Packaging had this to say about the project:
“Sponsorship of Theatr Clwyd stood out to us as an opportunity to support a worthy cause within our local community and we are delighted to be able to provide continued support. As a sponsor, it’s a pleasure to see the impact of the various projects, and to see exactly what our sponsorship helps towards. Arts from the Armchair is an inspiring and positive project that we are thrilled to say we are a part of”.
Alex Pawley, Lyan Packaging
If you would be interested in providing corporate support to Theatr Clwyd please do get in touch for more information please contact Theatr Clwyd’s Development Manager or visit Corporate Support | Theatr Clwyd