raise the roof

Theatr Clwyd Redevelopment

With your support together we can stage the next 40 years

Under the leadership of Executive Director Liam Evans-Ford and newly appointed Artistic Director Kate Wasserberg we are working with acclaimed architects Haworth Tompkins to redevelop Theatr Clwyd.

We’re ensuring a home for communities that’s green and sustainable, with fit-for-purpose health and wellbeing spaces, a building that supports our vital work with schools and our community, safeguarding high-quality cultural experiences in North Wales for current and future generations.

We have substantial backing from Welsh Government, Arts Council of Wales and Flintshire County Council, but we need to raise £5m to ensure this vital community asset is protected.

All redevelopment images by Haworth Tompkins. Audience at Theatr Clwyd image, photography by Theatr Clwyd. Production image: Junkyard, a Headlong, Theatr Clwyd, Bristol OId Vic & Rose Theatre Kingston production, photography Manuel Harlan. Theatr Clwyd's production of Home, I'm Darling, by Manuel Harlan.