Using the arts for long-term benefits
Providing immediate impact and long-term benefits the arts are proven to aid psychological and physical wellbeing - whether reducing the debilitating effects of anxiety, stress, depression and trauma, developing lung capacity or preserving cognitive recall and problem-solving function.
We collaborate with Wales’ largest NHS health board in meeting the challenges facing health and social care. Our dance workshops create endorphins to diminish stress and increase flexibility, strength and body awareness. We reduce social isolation in care homes and hospitals by live screening shows direct to rooms.
Arts From The Armchair helps cognitive function and recall, while our schools Consent project tackles a major social and sexual health issue.

• Providing year-round, arts-led mental health wellness sessions
• Tackling early onset memory loss and cognitive recall through long-term programmes
• Creating and using green spaces to drive mental and physical well-being
The world is a confusing and scary place when you’ve got early onset memory loss. Arts In The Armchair is our clinically-approved programme, led by Hester, designed to sustain cognitive function.
“Graham* struggles to find his way round his own home. Yet every week the new memories created means he can find his way to the session - he even remembers to bring biscuits along for the others in the group. It makes a huge difference to his life”