Anthony Hopkins Theatre

- Single raked tier, continental seating giving maximum seating of 569 – 519 seats, 5 wheelchair spaces, plus 45 on forestage lifts.
- Forestage lifts for stage, seating or orchestra pit.
- Control, projection and viewing rooms at rear.
- Proscenium stage; opening 10.65metres x 6.5m high (variable).
- Safety Curtain to back wall 10.74 metres.
- Safety Curtain to front of stage 1.11 metres.
- Front of stage to front of forestage 3.72 metres.
- Flat stage, sprung hardwood floor, hardboard surface.
- Carpet cuts, footlight troughs, and trapdoors in stage floor, normally hardboarded over.
- Wing widths 8 metres SR, 2.5 metres SL.
- 59 single purchase counterweight sets SL (inc 2 up and down)
- Grid height 18.48m
- Forestage lifts can give orchestra pit for 40.
- Bosendorfer Imperial grand piano.
- Prompt Corner SL.
- Get in at stage level; twin loading bay, each door 2.75m high x 3.1m.
Lighting and Sound
- See plans and schedules.
Dressing rooms.
- Six at stage level, accommodating 24, all with shower.
- (DR4 for 4, DR5 for 5, DR6 for 3, DR7 for 3, DR8 for 5, DR9 for 4)
- Toilets and disabled toilet at stage level.
- Visiting company office.
- Green Room with catering service on first floor.
- Bathroom on first floor.
- Two band rooms below stage.
- Coin-operated launderette machines available.
For technical enquiries about these spaces or to send us your production’s plans and tech specs:
Professional visiting companies
Geoff Farmer
01352 701896
Community companies
Jim Davis
01352 701578
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