Hansel & Gretel - Fairytale Detectives
This page is to help answer any questions you might have about our Friends' membership.
We also have a FAQs for people who were part of our pre-2025 Legacy Membership Scheme (scroll down).
Friends' Membership
Can I have a membership card?
Membership cards are available digitally via your phone. Physical membership card are available for members purchasing on an annual payment – available for collection at the theatre – e-mail box.office@theatrclwyd.com to request a card after joining.
How do I get my discount in the cinema?
Your discount is available on films - when booking online log into your account, then purchase tickets as normal - the discount will be applied in the basket.
How will I find out about priority booking?
We'll send you an e-mail each time we have a new event with priority booking - make sure that Theatr Clwyd is on your trusted recipient list and if you have any problems then drop out box office a call.
Legacy Membership
What about existing members (purchased before 2025)?
If you purchased a membership prior to 2025 (our legacy membership scheme) then your current membership expires on 30 April 2025.
In 2024 we decided to do a free extension of all legacy memberships through to the end of April 2025– this means all the legacy memberships ran longer than was initially paid for and, importantly, ensured that those members received priority booking for our 2024 autumn shows, 2025 opening season and our 2025/26 panto.
We also maintained a price freeze on those legacy memberships since 2019 – particularly in light of the Covid pandemic and our temporary facilities while the redevelopment work was taking place.
Finally, legacy members will be invited to test events in our redeveloped building (theatres, cinema and everything), backstage tours and will have opportunity to be amongst of the first to try our new restaurant when it opens.
We really hope that you’re able to continue to join us on our journey with our new Friends Membership.
Will my legacy membership automatically transfer to the Friends’ Membership?
Legacy memberships will not automatically transfer to the new Friends’ Membership. After the expiry of your legacy membership you can either sign up again online, or drop the box office a call (01352 344101) and our team will be able to help.